Cultivation of microalgae and zooplankton

ID-Nr.: TB0465
Datum: 15.04.2024
Kategorie(n) der Arbeit:
Andere Naturwissenschaften
Gewünschte betreuende Hochschule(n):
Biotechnology | Microbiology | Molecula Biology | or similar
Ab wann kann das Thema bearbeitet werden:
Als Anhaltspunkt, individuelle Vereinbarung mit dem Anbieter möglich
Bis wann muss das Thema fertig bearbeitet sein:
Als Anhaltspunkt, individuelle Vereinbarung mit dem Anbieter möglich
Geplante Dauer:
6 months
NÖ Unternehmen (unabhängig von der Unternehmensgröße)
BEST - Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH

Welche wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen sollen behandelt werden?

As part of your work, you will investigate the response of microalgae and zooplankton to environmental factors related to the climate crisis, such as an increase in temperature and pesticide concentration in ponds. You will cultivate these microorganisms and evaluate their growth and composition.

Ziele der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit:
The aim is to determine the response of microalgae and zooplankton to increased temperatures and pesticide concentrations by analyzing changes in growth rate and fatty acid pattern. These findings will be used to estimate the consequences of climatic changes for carp ponds.

Motivation und Beweggründe für die Themenwahl
In the project XenoFat, we want to investigate the consequences of rising temperatures and pesticide contamination in Lower Austria's carp ponds. By analysing how microalgae and zooplankton respond to these stressors, we point out the shifting landscape of fatty acid composition—the cornerstone of nutritional value in aquatic ecosystems. With this study, we want to gain information to preserve both ecosystems and human health in the face of the climate crisis.

Sonstige Informationen
As part of your work, you will investigate the response of microalgae and zooplankton to environmental factors related to the climate crisis, such as an increase in temperature and pesticide concentration in ponds. You will cultivate these microorganisms and evaluate their growth and composition.

Land Niederösterreich, Amt der NÖ Landesregierung
Abteilung Wissenschaft und Forschung - Themenbörse

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